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Design information for owners and prospective buyers

Home Design Guidelines

Below are documents that guide your initial home design and any subsequent exterior renovations.  KBTS lot owners and their architects need to become familiar with these guidelines when they are ready to begin the design process.  


The Design Review Committee's mission is to ensure that home exterior and landscaping are consistent with the overall aesthetics of the community while allowing for individual tastes and preferences.  Architectural plans must be approved by the Design Review Committee prior to the start of any construction.   

Design Rules

The Design Rules provide the standards to which home designs shall follow.  These plans also provide standards for exterior home renovations.

KBTS Topographical Map

This map provides a perspective of the community and the elevations of each lot.  Please note that this map is a number of years old so the color coding of empty lots and built lots have changed.

Solar Energy Design Guidelines

This guideline should be followed by owners who plan to install any exterior solar devices such as rooftop photovoltaic systems.

Solar Application Form

Form to be completed by the owners who are planning to install any exterior solar devices such as rooftop photovoltaic systems. 

Construction Dust Control

The State of Hawaii Department of Health has issued this statement and guideline about control and "reasonable precautions" that must be taken if a construction project could produce "fugitive" dust i.e. dust and other particulates that may become airborne and spread beyond the immediate construction site.  The Design Review  requires all construction projects to adhere to this policy.

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